Monday, July 14, 2008

Malacca Historical Town- The world Heritage

After 2 years waiting, finally we are able to meet each others at Malacca-The World Heritage. Malacca is a small state in South Malaysia and this small town was always rank the best town in Malaysia among my gang. We loved this place very much. The people here was nice, the traffic was not so terrible, the buildings(historical place) were so impressive, the foods were delicious and the most important thing was we'd left a lot of sweet memories at in historical place.

Something that we could not deny was Malacca government had done a very good job in preserving the world heritage and at the same time tried to beautify the environment.

This photo was taken near the Malacca river and from here we could see the Maritime Museum and the newly build Malacca Tower. The museum was built in a replica of a Portuguese ship, the 'Flo De La Mar' that sank off the coast of Malacca while on the way to Portugal. Here, visitors can view dioramas and intricately crafted models of ships on board. There are detailed descriptions of Malacca history and a map that features actual charts used by Portuguese sailors centuries ago. The Malacca Tower is also know as Menara Taming Sari. The unique feature is the revolving cabin ( inset) from which visitors can have a bird’s eye view of the city. The air-conditioned viewing cabin, which can accommodate up to 80 people at a time, revolves as it rises from ground level to the top of the tower. It also revolves on its downward journey. The operating hours of the tower will be from 10am to 10pm everyday. Admission fee for MyKad holders will be RM10 for adults and RM5 for children below 12 years old and senior citizens above 55 years old. Foreigners will be charged RM20.

Another tourist attraction is Jonker Walk. At this place, you could easily found different kind of antique, handmake souvenir and old chinese cultural. Don't miss this place out if you do have chance to come Malacca. I am sure you will like this place. Do take a chance to tried the famous Malacca Cendol and Laksa. Highly recommended by me~ haha...

If you are Hong Kong Movie Lover, have you seen this scene before? One of the scene in "夏日的日么么茶" was taken at this Geographer Cafe. Come here and check for your favorite artist Signature. This cafe is situated at jonker walk as well.
Somewhere near Mahkota Parade or Dataran Pahlawan, you could find a food court name Newton. Most of the best food in Malacca could be found at this corner.
This was the food that i like it most. It was actually a Hakka Food call "擂茶". A very healthy and delicious food.
"Layer Cake", I am not sure whether you can find this type of cake in other places but i am sure u could find it in Malacca. The best cake that i've ever tried so far. Must tried it, the shop is situated near Newton, and in front of Wok and Pan.
There are more and more nice place and nice foods in Malacca to be introduced in the future. Stay Tune...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Prom Night at E&O Hotel Penang

The day had come!! It was the time for us to display all our hardwork for the passed 2 weeks. It was not an easy task to become the comittee for the SSD team building this time. Moreover, it was a dinner type team building. After numbers of meeting, at last we success. Still remembered the day when we had our 1st and 2nd meeting, we're arguing, yelling and shouting to each others, and some was even playing. It was really a hard time for me and the team to ensure we did not missed out anything and everything was under control. Thank you to the comittee team for your hardwork and contribution. It was a busy but a filling 2 weeks.

And to the dancer, thank you for willing to spend your time for the practices and for willing to perform on stage. It was really a great time having practices with you all. Instead of saying that the Prom night was a team building night, i would rather said that the process of preparing this special night was a great team building for us(from the MSs up to the management team).

On this special night, we managed to take a group photo for our SSD family. What a nice photo... Committee Group photo. ..

And the Lucky gal ...Haha..

There was a lot of gorgeous gal on this special night. "You look wonderful tonight" special dedicate too all of them!! Cheers~