Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Financial Freedom 101 : Liability vs Asset
LIABILITY- something that you'll be held liable if you're not able to pay-up. (eg: house you're staying, car, credit, mortagages)
ASSET-something that would be able to self-sustain or increase in value, or in layman term, CASH MACHINE. (eg: rental yield from real estate properties like shophouses or residential, intellectual property rights, royalty from copyrights, self-sustaining business).
To gain financial freedom, one should always acquire as many asset as possible and reduce liability to minimum level.
A lot of ppl seems to think that the property they stay on is an asset. It is in fact a LIABILITY! Just imagine that if you got retrenched tomorrow, how're you gonna pay your mortgages?
An ASSET, (eg: a shophouse rented out) on the other hand is able to stand by itself even if you got retrenched as the rental fetched would be able to cover the monthly installments. Even if the shophouse's rental is just enough to cover for the monthly installments, the rental yield will certainly increase over the years and indirectly, your ASSET is working for you. This is a good example of how to make MONEY WORK FOR YOU!
In other words:
LIABILITY- You will never stop working for money, and it'll still be not enough.
ASSET-The money will work for you, the more you acquire an ASSET, the harder it works!
Friends, do ponder and challenge the thought...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A Lesson From Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And I sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it wa grassy and wanted wear
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black,
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads onto way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence;
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
Monday, December 15, 2008
Bumpy Road Ahead...
bumpy road ahead and the end is nowhere in sight...
be prudent and spend smart...
as my previous posts in Opportunities mention,
don't stop adding value and keep on looking out for opportunities...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
1. Will I still keep my job?
2. How bad will the economy goes?
3. How am I gonna afford a new car/house?
...... questions will remain questions. Nobody will know how bad will the economy goes,
nobody will know whether the company decides to retrench you or me....
In this uncertain time, I believe in looking out for opportunities and adding value to ourself. Instead of whining of how bad the economy is, why not think of building some small business as a supplementary income? If you've the talent and creativity that the market demands, there would sure be a demand for your product/service.
Adding value would include learning a new trade/skills that would make us more valuable and able to withstand any challenges that come along.
To all my friends, in this uncertain time, don't stop learning and looking out for new opportunities...just keep the passion of living and learning in you burning!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
These photo was taken at portugis village. I brought my granpa, parent, brother and sister out for a simple dinner. Grandma was not following as she was a vegetarian.
This old man is my Grandpa. He was very sad when he knew i found a job in Penang. A state which was very far from my hometown Melaka. Haha...but after 2 years, he already accept.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Singapore Trip
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Singapore Trip
We did not go out except for dinner today as Andry and me were extremely tired.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Save the Turtle program
i was busy explained to the kids everything that i know about Pantai Kerachut.
And, these are all nature's lovers....Haha...
The coloring competition. The children are so creative.
They show us how to clear the nest. Can you see the baby turtles crawing out?
The baby turtles.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Best of Penang National Park
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Perhentian Island Dive
Me: Haha...i don't care. I want to dive. There is nothing to worry about.
I wish to share all the photos here, but the line is just too slow...Too bad..
Monday, July 14, 2008
Malacca Historical Town- The world Heritage
Friday, July 4, 2008
Prom Night at E&O Hotel Penang
And to the dancer, thank you for willing to spend your time for the practices and for willing to perform on stage. It was really a great time having practices with you all. Instead of saying that the Prom night was a team building night, i would rather said that the process of preparing this special night was a great team building for us(from the MSs up to the management team).
On this special night, we managed to take a group photo for our SSD family. What a nice photo... Committee Group photo. ..
And the Lucky gal ...Haha..
Monday, June 23, 2008
Balik Pulau Hua Hee Lai Herbal Sauna
Nice picture taken on that day. After cut down the three, the boss further separate the trunk into few pieces and the big one was use as a table(This table had been used for some time). This newly put forty leaves was found on one of this table. Wow, really strong vitality!! 生命力超强!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Balik Pulau Durian & Herbal Sauna
Luckly, Andry decided to continue our mission at Balik Pulau. At 1st, we did not know where to go as nobody in the car knew any Durian farmer at Balik Pulau. Suddenly, we saw one partially hidden durian stall opened at the main gate of the durian farm. So, again Andry decided to have a try here. When we reached the stall, we told the Aunty that we wanted to eat durian. Aunty had recommended few durian type to us which were Kung Poh, 600, Ang Heh, Durian Kampung. Most of the people loved 600 very much but i still prefered Ang Heh. They said eating Ang Heh make their nose feel like eating WASABI so they didn't like it.
After our Durian Lunch, we asked for Aunty permission to visit her durian farm. Without thinking much, the aunty said OK.
Look what did i found!! A lot of big durian hanging on the tree. It was not the 1st time i visited durian farm but i still feel very excited. Durian= King of the fruit!!
After the farm visit, we went to one of the Balik Pulau Recreation Spot(Not so sure about the name) to view the scenery of Balik Pulau town from top of the hill. Due to monsoon season, Penang was a bit hazy at this time. When we're about to leave, we saw a sign board showing a direction toward Herbal Sauna House.

This was the entrance to the sauna room. One thing really suprised us was this herbal sauna facility was free of charge. You just need to pay for your will. According to a lady there, it was opened from 11am till 9pm. I had went in to to sauna room to have a look and the whole room really full of herbal smell. Too bad, i did not bring any clothes to exchange so i could not have a try this time. But i was sure, I WILL BE BACK!! Haha....
There was a restaurant next to this sauna house and the boss was trying to set up a prawn jigging(fishing) pond.
The concept of this restaunrant really attracting us. It was something like "Back to natural". The whole restaurant was made of timber(wood) except the simen floor and the pond. The fence, the chair, the table and decoration items were mainly made of timber and Bamboo. Really a nice and relaxing place.

Overall, we had met today mission and WHAT A NICE AND NEW DISCOVERY!! Balik Pulau, a Mysterious place. There are more and more to be discovered here.